Little Ghost Town ~ My Miniature Inspiration
I was inspired by my spooky old buildings in the ghost town to create weathered worn minis. Rebuilding these stores enabled me to learn a lot about woodworking, renovating and restoration so I could build more accurate miniatures. I would like to share my knowledge with you by offering dollhouse 1:12 and 1:48 scale mini scale kits, how-to and objects for your own miniature scenes.
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Read about the buildings history~

About the Artist
Joanne has had a passion for miniatures for 40 years - collecting and creating. A special effects industrial design degree in miniature models, mold making and sculpting plus an interior design background spurred the interest in creating miniatures. Making weathered historical and fantasy minis has been my main focus. It is enjoyable being able to work in a variety of mediums from turning silver, sculpting with different clays, carving wood to working with leather.
Regional Coordinator for Eastern Canada with NAME plus a Lifetime member, support IGMA and lucky enough to receive awards for my contributions with the miniature community.